Are You Ready to Finally Get Your Amazing Business Idea Out of Your Head and Into an Actionable Business Plan?

… even if you’re “bad with numbers” or break into a cold sweat when you hear the words “business plan”?

The Dream

Do you ever wish you could write a business plan the easier way — without it feeling like torture?

You dream of…. customers banging down the door, with your products & services selling like hotcakes; crossing the 7-figure mark; being the envy of your competitors; generating buzz simply by posting on social media.

There’s just one huge thing blocking your way… you don’t have a plan for how to get from here to there.

I get it. You’re definitely not the only one who ever dreaded writing a business plan.

Heck, I hear it everyday from entrepreneurs just like you who say:

"I have no idea where to start."

“I know I need a business plan to be taken seriously by investors, but I have no idea where to even start.”

"I'm feeling overwhelmed."

“I want to get all of my ideas out of my head and onto the page in an organized way, but I’m overwhelmed.”

"Writing one seems complicated."

“I’ve heard that a good business plan saves you a ton of work and headaches down the road, but writing one seems too complicated.

"I can't afford a consultant."

“I want to make sure I do this right, but I can’t afford to pay a consultant to help me write my plan.”

Here’s what I know for sure after 20+ years of writing business plans for startups that grow and get funded…

It doesn’t have to be so complicated.

Sure, it takes some time and effort, but you already knew that. It takes a bit of know-how, too — but that’s what I’m here for.

I’ll walk you through this process one step at a time. We’ll do it together… virtually.

Speeding car #3

It will be 100x easier to write your business plan with this kit
because I’ve given you a step-by-step, linear process + every template you need.

Are you ready to turn your dream into reality?

Start today!

The Secret

Want to know how all of those uber-successful founders do it — without having friends in high places or going back to school for an MBA?

They weren’t winging it. They had a plan.

Those unicorn founders are few and far between. Even the startups that have steady growth and a respectable income are in the minority.

The unfortunate truth is, most founders fail to plan. It’s why 7 in 10 startups don’t make it past five years — and it’s why I’ve made it my mission to help entrepreneurs build a foundation that paves the way for profits.

If they do manage to actually launch their business without a solid plan, they hit the Giant Wall of Reality pretty quickly.

They get stuck in “firefighter mode” — putting out whatever fires spring up that day while racing to meet the nonstop, day-to-day challenges of running their business.

They barely have time to catch their breath (or grab lunch), so forget about the big picture and thinking strategically.

Their mind is in overdrive wondering why customers aren’t buying their widgets… and wondering how much longer they can keep their head above water.

Instead of failing to plan, what if they had simply taken the time to do it right from the start?

Intentionally. Strategically. Proactively.

Writing a business plan is your golden opportunity to build a solid foundation for your startup. One that’s designed for profitability & growth.

You want a business plan that...

Tells your compelling story.

A plan that clearly communicates your vision and persuasively spells out the whats, hows and whys behind it, so you can attract investors and customers.

Shows your roadmap to profitability.

A plan that shows how the numbers support your story and will ultimately lead to a profitable, growing business.

Acts as your business blueprint.

A plan that demonstrates that you’ve anticipated challenges — because once you launch, you’ll be shifting into “firefighter mode,” putting out the daily fires that naturally spring up. BUT unlike the other folks, you’ll be prepared.

Serves as your foundation for growth.

A plan is your North Star when it comes to what helps your bottom line and what doesn’t. And when things change (as they naturally do), you’ll be ready to adapt quickly and take advantage of opportunities as a result of the work you’ve done.

Start today!

A business plan like this is not only for those who can drop thousands of dollars on a consultant.

I believe anyone ought to be able to start a business they love, so they can build the life they want.

That’s why this kit was designed so you not only walk away with a complete, actionable business plan and operating blueprint, but learn how to think like a smart business owner.

I want your startup to be a success even if you can’t spend thousands of dollars on a consultant.

That’s why I created…

Distilling Your Dream

The Step-By-Step Kit for Business Plans

Created by a pro with 20-plus years of experience helping startups grow and get funded.
Distilling Your Dream DIY Business Plan Kit cover

A completely customizable business plan kit for people who want to turn their dreams into reality without breaking the bank.

Here’s how it works…

Distilling Your Dream is an all-in-one, downloadable toolkit that gives you everything you need to write your business plan from start to finish — without having to spend hours struggling to string together sketchy freebies you found on the internet.

This is the exact same process I use to help my private clients turn their business dreams into reality.

STEP 1: The Preparation

What to Expect and How the Process Works

Before you dive in, we’ll set some expectations to help keep the process as stress-free and fun as possible. Yes, starting a business is fun!

If you follow along with me step by step, you’ll be on your way to thinking like a successful business owner in no time.

But… you have to do your homework (better known as reading the ebook and then doing the worksheets). A startup doesn’t grow by itself; you have to do the work. I’ve designed this kit to teach you not only WHAT you need to think about, but HOW to think about it.

STEP 2: The Distilling Process – The Words

How to Write Your Narrative

Next, we’ll distill your business idea to its most essential elements one step at a time, so you can develop your business plan’s all-important narrative.

Whether you’re writing a business plan to serve as an operating blueprint or to raise funds, spelling out what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it is a crucial step before launching your business.

By the end of Step 2, you’ll have a strong narrative that:

  • Explains your concept in a compelling way
  • Maps out your execution
  • Drives your financial projections

STEP 3: The Distilling Process – The Numbers

How to Prepare Realistic Financial Projections

In Step 3, I explain the nuts-and-bolts of financial projections in simple, easy-to-understand, plain English. I also detail how to prepare real, practical, defensible financials for your business. And don’t worry… I give you customizable spreadsheets — with formulas built in!

If the words are your story, then the numbers are there to support that story and show that your startup can grow into a profitable business. Get ready to impress your potential investors.

By the end of Step 3, you’ll have buttoned-up financial projections for your business, including your:

  • Sources & Uses of Funds
  • Profit & Loss Forecast
  • Cash Flow Projections

STEP 4: The Finish

Extras That Can Make Your Plan Irresistible

It’s time to celebrate! By Step 4 you will have wrapped up your business plan, developing your proof of concept as well as your operating blueprint.

This step is all about using your business plan to do MORE — such as creating a bulletproof pitch deck, developing irresistible messaging (elevator pitch, website, social media), attracting employees and securing credit from suppliers.

By the end of Step 4, you’ll know how to:

  • Add in valuable extras to make your vision irresistible to investors (and banks)
  • Use your business plan to make other parts of your business much easier

Implementation Bundle

14 Customizable Worksheets

To guide you through each step of writing your business plan:

  1. Introductions
  2. Describe Your Business
  3. Products & Services Offered
  4. Market Analysis
  5. Business Location
  6. Competition
  7. Management Team
  1. Staffing
  2. Purpose & Uses of Funds
  3. Equipment List
  4. Balance Sheet
  5. Profit & Loss Forecast
  6. Cash Flow Projections
  7. Sources & Uses of Funds

PLUS… 3 Customizable Templates

To help you put your narrative and financial projections into standard business plan and presentation-ready formats:

  1. The Narrative Template
  2. A Full Set of Excel Templates for Financial Projections (with built-in formulas!)*
  3. An Executive Summary / Pitch Deck Template

*Simple to upload to Google Sheets.

Ready to get started on your business plan today?

Here’s a quick recap of everything you get:

1 eBook

Shows you how to write a compelling business plan for any industry. Written in plain English, without buzzwords and jargon. (Plus an audio version if you’d rather listen.)


14 Worksheets

Step by step to carefully guide you through every part of the words and the numbers — while also keeping you on track and organized.

3 Templates

Uniquely designed to help you build a strong narrative, realistic financial projections, and a persuasive executive summary and/or pitch deck.

Your investment = $199

Just for comparison — my custom business plans start at $17,000. But I wanted to make this all-in-one kit highly accessible. So I’ve packaged up the exact same process I use with private clients at a fraction of the investment.

Safe and Secure Checkout

What they’re saying…

Andrew Sacks, Startup Distillery client who loved using Distilling Your Dream DIY Business Plan Kit
Distilling Your Dream is organized, easy to read and covers virtually every question a business owner may have.

Without a doubt my favorite feature was the worksheets — they helped me structure my writing and ensure I was asking myself the right questions.”

Amy Coey, Startup Distillery client who loved using Distilling Your Dream DIY Business Plan Kit

“I love how this kit enables me to make small goals so I’m not too overwhelmed.

I’ve really been able to make it my own. Keeping all my notes and thoughts together as I work has helped me stay organized for such a big project.”

Michael Henszey, Startup Distillery client who loved using Distilling Your Dream DIY Business Plan Kit

“I used Diane’s Business Plan Kit with great success.

  • The ebook really helped me channel the information in my head onto paper.
  • The templates were sophisticated, yet easy to use.
  • The worksheets were especially helpful.”

Michael Henszey
The Jam House

Meet Diane

It’s time to stop wasting time guessing and pivoting — and start profiting.

Diane Tarshis, startup expert and founder of Startup Distillery

Hi, I’m Diane. Distilling Your Dream is the result of my work with countless startups over the last 20-plus years. Since I launched Startup Distillery, I have worked with entrepreneurs in industries ranging from clean energy to consumer products, retail to food & beverage and more.

I’ve worked with startups of all sizes, too. Some were designed to remain small, while others laid the groundwork for growth.

Some chose to bootstrap (self-fund), while others secured outside investors (venture capital; angel investors; friends & family).

Still others opted for bank loans or more creative financing options.
I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to launch a successful business, as well as what investors look for in a startup.

Yet in all my years of working with inspiring, passionate founders, one frustration remained: I didn’t have an effective way to help people with unlimited dedication, commitment and passion, but limited budgets.

Until now…

The modern tech has made it easy for me to share what I’ve learned in a way that won’t blow your budget.

Distilling Your Dream takes my decades of experience and puts it right in your hands. I’m giving you everything you need and not holding back a single thing.

This is the same guidance I give my private 1:1 clients — at a fraction of the investment.

Backed by my “Call Me If You’re Stuck” Guarantee*

Is DYD right for you?

Distilling Your Dream
is a smart investment for you if…

You don’t want to wing it.

You want to turn your passion into a successful business — and you know you need a plan to do it.

This is all new for you.

You’ve never built a business before and you want to do things the right way.

You’re ready to GO.

You want to accelerate your learning curve and avoid expensive mistakes.

You want to attract customers.

You want to clearly communicate your vision, so you can attract investors, customers, partners — even employees.

You want to be proactive.

You want to hit the ground running when you launch, anticipate challenges and save yourself a lot of heartache.

You want help on a budget.

You want a step-by-step, custom roadmap for launching a growing, profitable business — without a 4- or 5-figure price tag.

If you answered yes to any of these, you’re ready.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do I get with the DIY Business Plan Kit?

You get instant access to:

  • Distilling Your Dream: The Step-by-Step Kit for Business Plans, a 108-page ebook that’s easy to understand, written in plain English and shows you exactly how to write a compelling business plan for any industry (plus an audio version of the ebook if you’d rather listen).
  • 14 step-by-step worksheets to guide you through every part of the words and the numbers.
  • 3 easy-to-use templates to help you build a compelling narrative, realistic financial projections, and a persuasive executive summary.
  • A free 45-minute 1:1 call with me to give you personalized feedback (as slots are available).
2. Can I see some sample chapters before I purchase?

Yes! You can click here or you can scroll down to the very bottom of this page, where you’ll find links that say, “Download Sample Chapters.” You’ll be able to see the full table of contents, sample chapters and a sample worksheet, too.

3. How is Distilling Your Dream delivered?

After you purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation with download instructions on how to access the zip file containing:

  • The ebook and worksheets, which are PDFs.
  • The Narrative and Pitch Deck templates, which are editable Word documents.
  • The financial templates, which are editable Excel spreadsheets with built-in formulas.
4. How long will I have access?

Once you’ve downloaded Distilling Your Dream, it’s yours to keep and use forever. However, download links are only good for one week — after that there are no guarantees.

5. Can I reach out if I have questions or get stuck?

Absolutely! You can email me any time. And once you purchase, I’ll even send you my phone number.

6. What is your refund policy?

Due to the instant access and digital nature of this product, there are no refunds. However, if you get stuck or have questions, I’m here for you — just send me an email.

7. What if I don’t receive the email after purchase?

Be sure to check your spam folder and promo tab. If you still can’t find it, email me at Reminder: Download links are only good for one week.

☎️ The “Call Me If You’re Stuck” Guarantee ☎️

Diane Tarshis, startup expert and founder of Startup Distillery

Diane here. Real person. Hi 👋

Look, I get it. Writing your business plan can be tricky. While I’ve done everything in my power to make the process as simple as possible with this kit, you may get stuck.

Totally normal. So I want you to call me if you get stuck. Seriously, I’ll give you my phone number — it’s right there at the bottom of every page on this website.

Let’s get your amazing idea out of your head and into an actionable business plan, so you can launch a growing business.

Here’s a final recap of everything you get:

1 eBook

Shows you how to write a compelling business plan for any industry. Written in plain English, without buzzwords and jargon. (Plus an audio version if you’d rather listen.)


14 Worksheets

Step by step to carefully guide you through every part of the words and the numbers — while also keeping you on track and organized.

3 Templates

Uniquely designed to help you build a strong narrative, realistic financial projections, and a persuasive executive summary and/or pitch deck.

Your investment = $199

Just for comparison — my custom business plans start at $17,000. But I wanted to make this all-in-one kit highly accessible. So I’ve packaged up the exact same process I use with private clients at a fraction of the investment.