
You’ve spent years building someone else’s dream.

Now let’s build yours.

Video Introduction

The Official Spiel

I provide 1:1 startup consulting and business planning to entrepreneurs who are experts in what they do, but have never built a business before. When you work with me, you’ll get clarity and expert guidance  that sets you up for success so you don’t waste time guessing and pivoting.

Since graduating from the Wharton School and leaving the frenzy of Wall Street behind, I’ve spent the last 20-plus years helping first-time founders create and grow businesses that fast-track profitability and get funded (if they want).

Even though I’m based in Chicago, I work with clients around the globe, advising founders with businesses ranging from clean energy to life sciences, retail to consumer products, entertainment, food & beverage, health and wellness, tech of all kinds… and distilleries, of course.

The no-B.S. Spiel

I believe that when you’re starting a business you have two choices:

Go it alone.

Yes, you can go it alone, learning painfully (and slowly) through trial and error.

It’s tempting with so many free and low-cost resources available. You might save a few thousand dollars up front, but in my experience you will spend more money (and time) in the long run as you guess and pivot.

Get expert guidance.

Or you can get expert support and personalized guidance from the start.

If you want your startup to take off sooner rather than later, and to fast-track profitability, it will hands down be the best decision you make. In the end, you’ll be more likely to get funded, less likely to fail, and reach profitability sooner.

You’re in the driver’s seat — so you get to choose which road you take.

A Proven Track Record

Over the past 20+ years, client results include…

Multimillion-dollar exit

A client built an industry-leading tech platform that was later acquired for multiple millions by a German conglomerate.

UK industry leader

A distillery secured millions in funding and go on to become England’s largest whisky producer, crafting myriad award-winning spirits.

Profitable in less than 1 year

A physical rehabilitation clinic reached profitability in less than one year and by the 18-month mark, had a months-long waitlist.

On shelves in 1 year

An organic beverage company hit the ground running, producing and selling their drinks within one year and winning their first award 15 months after launch.


99% of my clients who have sought funding have secured it.

That’s not a coincidence. So before you dive into the proverbial shark tank, come see me.

What it’s like working with me.


I don’t do it for you, I do it with you — combining your vision and my expertise to help you achieve your goals. Customers not engaging? Investors not investing? Whatever the dilemmas, we’ll tackle them together, with me leading the way.


I wouldn’t be helping if we only focused on the bright side, so I’ll always give it to you straight. If the numbers don’t add up or the market demand isn’t there, I’ll say so and help you course-correct. When it comes to your success, there’s no room for fairy tales.

Proven Expertise

I don’t give advice based on fads or because I got lucky founding one startup. With me, you’re getting tailored advice from someone who’s been in the game through booms and busts and everything in-between, helping entrepreneurs like you build businesses that grow and get funded.


When you contact Startup Distillery, you won’t reach a “team” — you’ll speak directly with me. I’ll get to know you and your business, guiding you every step of the way. Clients know they can come to me any time, with any question, in any circumstance. When you work with me, you’ll have my decades of experience at your complete disposal.

This is your shot. Let’s make it count.

Whether you need to raise funds or you simply want to fast-track profits, you’re in the right place.


1:1 Startup

There may not be any shortcuts, but there is a fast track.

You know that having an experienced guide will help you reach your revenue goals faster. Whether you need to create a roadmap, dial in your business model or build financial projections, together we’ll develop your blueprint for success.


Business Plans

I know how to help you get funded, period. It starts with a plan.

If you need funding to get your business off the ground, then you need a business plan that’s tailored to your unique business and will wow even the most seasoned investor. 99% of my clients who have sought funding have secured it. That’s not a coincidence; so before you enter the proverbial shark tank, come see me.


DIY Business
Plan Kit

A limited budget doesn’t have to mean a limited plan.

I’ve distilled my signature process and expertise into a step-by-step Business Plan Kit that shows you how to get it right — using worksheets, templates and an step-by-step guide that explains it all in plain English (at an affordable price). Made for any industry and instantly downloadable.

And now, for the personal spiel…

(lest you think I’m all work and no play)

With a husband, two sons and a dog named Super Cooper, I swear the occasional Jedi mind trick is used only in the service of good.

I believe humor is one of life’s remarkable remedies — which might explain why I’m co-author of humor book M.I.L.D.E.W. | Mothers-In-Law Do Everything Wrong (Andrews McMeel), a fun-filled look at one of life’s oldest marital challenges (if you know, you know).

Mallomars and Graeter’s ice cream (especially mint chocolate chip) are the ways to my heart.

image of an ice cream cone